Christmas came early at BOCMC!
On the 9th of December, we held our annual Christmas celebration outdoors combining both our English & Indonesian Sunday services. It was a day filled with Christmas cheer!
The day started off with praise and worship, and Pastor Timothy delivering the message of the gospel. This year we wanted to acknowledge our iCare initiative, and were able to bless our iCare guests by gifting them free hampers. Food and live entertainment was also provided during lunch – as well as a visit from Santa!
We ended the celebrations by playing a few games and honouring Pastor Timothy & Pastor Jenny on their 25th wedding anniversary.
We had a great time coming together and celebrating our Savrour’s birth. As we continue to observe the holiday, let’s not forget what this season is about!
God bless you & have a wonderful Christmas from all of us at BOCMC.
More photos can be found here.